学科带头人 |
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“低维量子体系的凝聚态理论”研究方向学术带头人:张军 |
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“低维凝聚态体系的仿真计算”研究方向学术带头人:段海明 |
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“高能物理”研究方向学术带头人:沙依甫加玛力 |
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“天体物理”研究方向学术带头人:吕国梁 |
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“纳米非晶材料”研究方向学术带头人:李强 |
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“半导体光电材料及技术”研究方向学术带头人:吴荣 |
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“飞秒激光和激光光谱”研究方向学术带头人:阿布都热苏力 |
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“放射生态学”研究方向学术带头人:毛培宏 |
张军教授简介 张军,男,1962年1月出生,汉族,理学博士,教授,博士生导师,国家教育部物理类专业教学指导委员会委员,新疆物理学会副理事长,我校名师,长期承担本科生和研究生的《量子力学》和《量子场论》等多门课程的教学工作。1997年赴意大利国际理论物理中心访问(ICTP)一个月,1998至1999年赴美国BROOKHAVEN国家实验室(BNL)科研合作近两年年。主要研究方向为数学物理、低维场论、强关联系统和量子输运。主持国家自然科学基金7项和教育部重点项目1项,在Phys. Lett. A、 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter和Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 等国际知名期刊上发表论文100余篇。研究成果获自治区自然科学优秀学术论文奖。 承担主要科研项目: [1] 单双层混合石墨烯中界面态的量子输运与调控研究(11564038),国家自然科学基金,2016.01-2019.12,46.00万,主持人, [2] 通过扩展Hubbard模型研究低维关联电子系统的量子特性(11265015),国家自然科学基金,2013.01-2016.12,53.00万,主持人; [3] 我校凝聚态理论和量子场论学术交流及人才培养(11247608),国家自然科学基金,2013.01-2013.12,20.00万,主持人; [4] 我校理论物理和计算材料科学的人才培养与学术交流(11347604),国家自然科学基金项目,2014.01-2014.12,20.00万,主持人; [5] 理论物理学术交流及人才培养平台的建设(11147607),国家自然科学基金,2012.01-2012.12,20.0万,主持人; [6] 低维量子阻锉自旋和巡游电子系统的非微扰研究(10547010),国家自然科学基金,2006.01–2008.12,10.00万,主持人; [7] 可积模型和低维场论在凝聚态物理中的应用(205181),教育部科学技术研究重点项目,2005.01–2007.12,2.00万,主持人; [8] 低维量子阻锉自旋系统的非微扰研究(10247010), 国家自然科学基金,2003.01-2005.12,10.00万,主持人; 发表主要学术论文(SCI论文47篇,加*号为通讯作者) [47] L. F. Jiang, L. Xu, J. Zhang*, “Electronic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons under uniaxial strain and electric field”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, accepted, 2018. [46]N. Zhao, H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang, Y. D. He, “A low-energy physics of an extended Hubbard chain with additional three-body couplings” Chin. J. Phys. In Press, (2018) [45] P. P. Ye, L. Xu, J. Zhang*, “Semi-Dirac point and its transport properties in two-dimensional deformed hexagonal lattice”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 32(17): 1850193 (2018). [44] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Investigation of a four-body coupling in the one-dimensional extended Penson-kolb-Hubbard model”, Phys. Lett. A, 2017, 381(36): 3119-3123. [43] X. H. Yu, L. Xu, J. Zhang*, “Topological state engineering by in-plane electric field in graphene nanoribbon”, Phys. Lett. A, 381,2841-2844. [42] X. L. Zhang, L. Xu, Jun Zhang*, “Valley-filtered edge states and quantum valley Hall effect in gated bilayer graphene” J. Phys.: Conden. Matter, 29, 185502, (2017). [41] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Superconducting phases in a generalized Hubbard chain with additional off-diagonal hopping processes”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 31,1750058 (2017) [40] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “From insulator to superconductor in a modified t-J chain with regulated electron electron hopping”. J. Low. Temp. Phys. 186,10-20 (2017). [39] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Superconductivity in a one-dimensional correlated quantum system”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 2016, 30(19): 1650231. [38] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, Metal-insulator transition in an one-dimensional extended Hubbard model at quarther filling. Chin. J. Phys. 2016, 54(2):237-243. [37]. H. Q. Ding, J, Zhang*, “Insight into nearest neighboring three- and four-electron orocesses in a one-dimensional correlated lattice system”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 2016, 85(5): 054704. [36] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Superconductivity in a SO(4) symmetric one-dimensional interacting system with diadonal three-body attraction”, Chin. J. Phys. 2016, 54(5):744. [35] H. Q. Ding, J, Zhang*, “Investigation of the ground state of the anisotropic extended Hubbard chain at weak coupling”, Phys. Lett. A, 2016, 380(40): 3292-3296. [34] LP Li,ZH Yang, BH Lei, QR Kong, MH Lee, BB Zhang, SL Pan, J Zhang*, “Active performance of tetrahedral groups to SHG response: theoretical interpretations of Ge/Si-containing borate crystals”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,18, 6077-6084 (2016) [33] M. M. Zhang, L. Xu, J. Zhang*, “Topological states in two-dimensional hexagon lattice bilayers”, Physics Letters A, 380,3389 (2016). [32] F. Zhao, L. Xu, J. Zhang*, “Manipulating interface states in monolayer-bilayer graphene planar junctions”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28, 1 (2016). [31] LP Li, Q Jing, ZH Yang, , X Su, BH Lei, SL Pan, FF Zhang, J Zhang, “Effect of the tetrahedral groups on the optical properties of LaBRO5 (R = Si and Ge): A first-principles study”, J. Appl. Phys., 118, 113104 (2015). [30] C. C. Li, L. Xu, J. Zhang*, “Quantized transport of interface and edge states in bent graphene”, Solid State Communications, 207, 30 (2015). [29] L. Xu, Y. Zhou, J. Zhang*, “From helical state to chiral state in ferromagnetic bilayer graphene”, Solid State Communications, 212, 41 (2015). [28] E. Y. Lin, H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Ground state phase diagram of an extended Hubbard chain with spin-dependent interaction”, Chin. J. Phys., 53, 040402 (2015). [27] H. Q. Ding, J, Zhang*, “Triplet superconductivity in the one-dimensional Hubbard model with modulated kinetic hopping at weak coupling”’, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 84, 124703 (2015). [26] H. Q. Ding, J, Zhang*, “Influence of the modulated hopping on the one-dimensional interacting electron system”, Phys. Lett. A, 379, 2374 (2015) [25] P. Li, H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Quantum of a deformred itinerant electron model in one dimension”, Chin. J. Phys., 53, 100803 (2015) [24] Chu Chen, Weixin Kong, Hai-Ming Duan, Jun. Zhang*, “Theoretical simulation of the reduction of graphene oxide by lithium naphthalenide” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 13654-13658 (2015) [23] H. Q. Ding, J, Zhang*, “Evolution of dimerized phase in a one-dimensional correlated electron”, Eur. Phys. J. B, 88, 44 (2015) [22] Ming-Ming Zhang, Lei Xu, Jun Zhang* “Topological insulator state in gated bilayer silicene” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 27, 445301 (2015) [21] E. Y. Lin, H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Influence of spin exchange anisotropy on phase diagram of the one-dimensional t-U-VJ-JZ model”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 28, 1450042 (2014) [20] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Modulating effect of pair-hopping and spin exchange interactions on a half-filled generalized U-V chain”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 28, 1450069 (2014) [19] Chu Chen, Weixin Kong, Hai-Ming Duan, Jun. Zhang* “Theoretical simulation of reduction mechanism of graphene oxide in sodium hydroxide solution” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 12858-12864 (2014) [18] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Phase diagram of an extended t-U-J chian with frustrated exchange interaction”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 28, 1450228 (2014) [17] C. Chen, J. Zhang*, B. Zhang, H. M. Duan “Hydrogen Adsorption of Mg Doped Graphene Oxide: A First-Principles Study” J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, 4337-4344 (2013) [16] B. Zhang*, B. B. Cao, C. Chen, J. Zhang, H. M. Duan* “Density-functional theory study on neutral and charged MnC2 (M=Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, n=1-5) clusters” Journal of Cluster Science, 24, 197-207 (2013) [15] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Ground state properties of an extended Hubbard chain with easy-axis magnetic anisotropy”, Chin. J. Phys. 51, 1006-1018 (2013) [14] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Effect of singlet pairing hopping on the one-dimensional extended model with spin exchange interaction.”, Eur. Phys. J. B, 85, 200 (2012) [13] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Effect of correlated-hopping interaction on a one-dimensional extended Hubbard model with spin exchange interaction”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 26, 1150044 (2012) [12] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Spin gapless bond-ordered phase in the extended Hubbard chain with spin-dependent repulsion”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 25, 3555-3568 (2011) [11] H. Q. Ding, J. Zhang*, “Phase diagram of one-dimensional deformed t-J1-J2 model with frustrated exchange interaction”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 25, 1441-1455 (2011) [10] Yan huahua, Ma qingshan, Zhang Jun*, “Mott-Hubbard transition of bosons in optical lattices with two-body interactions”, Chin. Phys. C, 35, 530-534 (2011). [9] Zhang zhanjun, Ma qingshan, Zhang Jun*, “Critical temperature and condensed fraction of Bose-Einstein condensation in an external potential”. Chin. Phys. C, 35, 722-724 (2011) [8] Z. J. Wang , C. H. Zhu, G. L. Lu, J. Zhang*, “Pulsation mode and period-luminosity relation of Mira variables”, Astrophysics and Space Science, 325, 15-23 (2010) [7] C. H. Zhu, G. L. Lu Z. J. Wang, J. Zhang*, “Soft and supersoft X-ray sources in symbiotic stars”, New Astronomy, 15, 144-149 (2009) [6] Shuwei Lu, Jun Zhang, Haiming Duan “Melting behaviors of CoN (N=13, 14, 38, 55, 56) clusters”, Chem. Phys. 363(1-3), 7-12 (2009) [5] C. H. Zhu, G. L. Lu, Z. J. Wang, J. Zhang* “The lack of carbon stars in the Galactic bulge”, Chin. Phys. B, 17, 1518-1525 (2008) [4] Lei Xu, Jun Zhang*, “Optical conductivity of two-dimensional lattice”, Mod.Phys.Lett.B, 22, 435-445 (2008) [3] Lei Xu, Jun Zhang*, “Drude weight, optical conductivity of two-dimensional Hubbard model at half filling”, Commun. Theor. Phys., 50,237-242 (2008) [2]Lei Xu, Jun Zhang*, “Slave-Fermion mean field theory of the Heisenberg mode”, Commun.Theor.Phys., 48, 363-365 (2007) [1]Q. S. Ma, J. H. Dai, Z. X. Xu, J. Zhang, “Weak-coupling phase diagram of the one-dimensional deformed t-J model”, Mod. Phys.Lett.A, 22, 733-740 (2007). 主要获奖情况: [1] 2016年,第十四届新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(排名3); [2] 2016年,第十四届新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(排名2); [3] 2014年,第十三届新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(排名2).
段海明教授简介 段海明,1970年11月出生,理学博士,教授,博士生导师。中国计算物理学会理事,新疆物理学会副理事长。2005至2006年赴瑞典哥德堡大学物理系访问。主要研究方向为计算凝聚态物理及计算材料科学。主持4项国家自然科学基金项目,在Nano Lett.、Phys. Rev. B、J. Appl. Phys.、Phys. Lett. A、物理学报等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文80余篇,SCI收录44篇(第一作者或通讯作者33篇)。研究成果获自治区科技进步奖,自治区自然科学优秀学术论文奖、自治区优秀硕士学位论文指导教师等奖励。 承担主要科研项目: [1]自旋电子材料的团簇模拟(10347010),国家自然科学基金,2004.1-2006.12,10.0万, 主持人 [2]含碳过渡金属团簇及碳纳米管物性的理论及计算研究(10864005),国家自然科学基金, 2009.1-2011.12,23.0万,主持人 [3]含Al、Rh混合金属团簇物性的计算研究(11164029),国家自然科学基金, 2012.1-2015.12,50.0万,主持人 [4]混合金属团簇几何结构的优化算法及其应用研究(11664038),国家自然科学基金, 2017.1-2020.12,40.0万,主持人 [5]碳纳米管催化生长机理的理论及计算研究,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金, 2009.1-2011.12,2.0万,主持人 [6]纳米过渡金属颗粒微观机理研究(2011211A008),新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金, 2011.1-2013.12,8.0万,主持人 代表性学术论文:(SCI论文44篇)(注:加*号为通讯作者)(第一作者或通讯作者33篇) [44] Qiaoqiao Zhang, Hahaer Mushahali, Haiming Duan*, Ming-Hsien Lee, Qun Jing* "The linear and nonlinear optical response of CsGeX3 (X=Cl, Br, and I): The finite field and first-principles investigation" Optik 179, 89-98 (2019) [43] Linna Shao, Zhaofeng Wu*, Haiming Duan*, Talgar Shaymurat “Discriminative and rapid detection of ozone realized by sensor array of Zn2+ doping tailored MoS2 ultrathin nanosheets” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 258, 937-946 (2018) [42] Luohong Shi, Qiang Li*, Haiming Duan*, Wenbiao Zhang, Weiming Yang, Hongxiang Li, Chuntao Chang "The correlation between mechanical properties and structure of Fe-Ni-P-B amorphous alloys: Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations" J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 491, 1-6 (2018) [41] Qiaoqiao Zhang, Qun Jing*, Haiming Duan*, Haibin Cao " The relationship between covalent bonds and the optical response in a nonpolar family ATeMoO6 (A=Mg, Zn, Cd): A Berry-Phase investigation " J. Solid State Chem., 264, 22-28 (2018) [40] Xiangping Chen, Haiming Duan*, Biaobing Cao, Mongqiu Long “The global optimization of Pt13 cluser using the first-principles molecular dynamics with the quenching technique” Journal of Statistical Physics, 171(3), 427-433 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-018-2003-3 [39] Jun Zhang, Weixin Kong*, Haiming Duan* “The directed self-assembly of amphiphilic diblock Copolymers in selective solvents” J. Disper. Sci. Technol., 39(3), 326-332 (2018) https://DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2017.1305907 [38] Shidong Zhang, Xiaojiao Zhang, Mingjun Li*, Bowen Zeng, Haiming Duan, Dan Zhang, Mengqiu Long* “Study on the electronic structures and transport properties of the polyporphyrin nanoribbons with different edge configurations” Phys. Lett. A382(38), 2769-2775 (2018) [37] Ablat Abliz, Da Wan, Jui-Yuan Chen, Lei Xu, Jiawei He, Yanbing Yang, Haiming Duan, Chuansheng Liu, Changzhong Jiang, Huipeng Chen, Tailiang Guo, and Lei Liao "Enhanced Reliability of InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors through Design of Dual Passivation Layers" IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65(7), 2844-2849 (2018) [36] Bowen Zeng, Mengqiu Long, Xiaojiao Zhang, Yulan Dong, Mingjun Li, Yougen Yi; Haiming Duan "Strain engineering on electronic structure and carrier mobility in monolayer GeP3" Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(23), 235302 (2018) [35] Zhaofeng Wu, Haiming Duan, Zhijun Li*, Jixi Guo, Furu Zhong, Yali Cao*, Dianzeng Jia* “Multichannel Discriminative Detection of Explosive Vapors with an Array of Nanofibrous Membranes Loaded with Quantum Dots” Sensors, 17(11), 2676 (2017) [34] Jun Sun, Xuefang Xie, Biaobing Cao, Haiming Duan* “A density-functional theory study of Au13, Pt13, Au12Pt and Pt12Au clusters” Comput. Theor. Chem., 1107, 127-135 (2017) [33] Y.Y. Jiang, X. F. Xie, I. Hamid, C. Chen*, H. M. Duan* “Theoretical simulation of CO2 capture by Al11Mg3- cluster” Mater. Res. Express, 4(4), 046302 (2017) [32] Jiawei Jiang, Qiang Li*, and Haiming Duan*, Hongxiang Li “The effects of metalloid elements (P, C, B) on the properties of Co-based amorphous alloys studied by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations” Comp. Mater. Sci., 130, 76-83 (2017) [31] Di Wu, Qiang Li*, and Haiming Duan* “Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation on the glass forming ability of Ni-metalloid amorphous alloys” J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 461, 87-92 (2017) [30] Jun Zhang, Weixin Kong*, Haiming Duan “Soft Confinement-Induced Morphologies of the blends of AB diblock Copolymers and C homopolymers” Langmuir, 33(12), 3123-3133 (2017) [29] Xuefang Xie, Jun Sun, Biaobing Cao, Haiming Duan* “Geometrical and electronic structures of small Co-Mo nanoclusters” RSC Advances, 7, 4933-4940 (2017) [28] Jingjing Zhang, Jun Sun, Yanqi Liu, Jiao Li, Xiaogang Liang, Haiming Duan* “The first-principles study of Al12X (X = Sc-Zn) clusters and their adsorption of H, O and N” AIP Advances, 6, 075312 (2016) [27] Xiaogang Liang, Ilyar Hamid, Haiming Duan* “Dynamical stabilities of the icosahedral-like clusters and their ability to form quasicrystals” AIP Advances, 6, 065017 (2016) [26] Yanqi Liu, Jingjing Zhang, Jiao Li, Xiaogang Liang, Haiming Duan* “Hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen adsorption on Rhn-1X (n = 2–5, X = 3d, 4d atoms) clusters: A DFT study” Comput. Theor. Chem., 1085, 56-65 (2016) [25] Jiao Li, Yanqi Liu, Jingjing Zhang, Xiaogang Liang, Haiming Duan* “Density functional theory study of the adsorption of hydrogen atomson Cu2X (X = 3d) clusters” Chem. Phys. Lett., 651, 137-143 (2016) [24] Chu Chen, Weixin Kong, Hai-Ming Duan and Jun. Zhang “Theoretical simulation of the reduction of graphene oxide by lithium naphthalenide” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 13654-13658 (2015) [23] Ilyar Hamid, Meng Fang, Haiming Duan* “Molecular dynamical simulations of melting behaviors of metal clusters” 2015/4/17 AIP Advances, 5, 047129 (2015) [22] Wenbiao Zhang, Qiang Li*, and Haiming Duan* “Study of the effects of metalloid elements (P, C, B) on Fe-based amorphous alloys by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations” J. Appl. Phys., 117, 104901 (2015) [21] Chu Chen, Weixin Kong, Hai-Ming Duan and Jun. Zhang “Theoretical simulation of reduction mechanism of graphene oxide in sodium hydroxide solution”4 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 12858-12864 (2014) [20] 李春丽,段海明*,买力坦.开来木 “Aln(n=13-32)团簇熔化行为的分子动力学模拟研究” 物理学报,62(19), 193104-1-193104-7页, 2013年10月 [19] C. Chen, J. Zhang, B. Zhang, H. M. Duan “Hydrogen Adsorption of Mg Doped Graphene Oxide: A First-Principles Study” J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, 4337-4344 (2013) [18] B. Zhang*, B. B. Cao, C. Chen, J. Zhang, H. M. Duan* “Density-functional theory study on neutral and charged MnC2 (M=Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, n=1-5) clusters” Journal of Cluster Science, 24, 197-207 (2013) [17] Haiming Duan, Xiang Gao, Guanjian Fu, Jiaming Li “Theoretical investigation of encapsulation processes of C60 into single-wall carbon nanotubes” Phys. Lett. A375, 1412 (2011) [16] 吴洋,段海明* “采用Lennard-Jones原子间势研究(C60)N分子团簇的结构演化行为” 物理学报,60(7), 076102-1-076102-6页, 2011年7月 [15] 鄂箫亮,段海明* “Gupta势结合遗传算法研究ConCu55-n(n=0~55)混合团簇的结构演化及基态能量” 物理学报,59(8), 5672-5680页, 2010年8月 [14] 刘建廷,段海明* “不同势下铱团簇结构和熔化行为的分子动力学模拟” 物理学报,58(7), 4826-4834页, 2009年7月 [13] Shuwei Lu, Jun Zhang, Haiming Duan* “Melting behaviors of CoN (N=13, 14, 38, 55, 56) clusters” Chem. Phys. 363(1-3), 7-12 (2009) [12] Kim Bolton, Feng Ding, Anders Börjesson, Wuming Zhu, Haiming Duan, Arne Rosén, Avetik R. Harutyunyan and S. Curtarolo “Computational studies of catalytic particles for carbon nanotube growth” J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 6, 1–15 (2009) (Invited Review article) [11] Wuming Zhu, Haiming Duan , Kim Bolton “Diameter and Chirality Changes of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes During Growth: An ab-initio Study” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. , 9(2), 1222-1225(2009) [10] Haiming Duan, Arne Rosén, Avetik Harutyunyan, Stefano Curtarolo, and Kim Bolton “Computational Studies of Small Carbon and Iron-Carbon Systems Relevant to Carbon Nanotube Growth” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. , 8(11), 6170-6177(2008) [9] Z.X. Zhang, B.B. Cao, H.M. Duan* “Density-functional calculations of MnC(M=Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,n=1-6)clusters” Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 863, 22 – 27(2008) [8] Lin He & Duan Haiming* “Local electronic structure and magnetic properties of 3d transition metal doped GaAs” Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron , vol. 51, no. 5, 470-480,May (2008) [7] Feng Ding, Peter Larsson, J. Andreas Larsson, Rajeev Ahuja, Haiming Duan, Arne Rosén, Kim Bolton “The Importance of Strong Carbon-Metal Adhesion for Catalytic Nucleation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes” Nano Lett. 8, 463 -468(2008) (Reported as a ‘Research Highlight’ in Nature Nanotechnology - http://www.nature.com/nnano/reshigh/2008/0108/full/nnano.2008.21.html). [6] Haiming Duan* , Feng Ding, Arne Rosén, Avetik R. Harutyunyan, Toshio Tokune, Stefano Curtarolo, Kim Bolton “Size dependent melting mechanisms of iron nanoclusters” Chem. Phys. 333, 57-62(2007) [5] Peter Larsson, J. Andreas Larsson, Rajeev Ahuja, Feng Ding, Boris Yakobson, Haiming Duan* ,Arne Rosén, Kim Bolton “Calculating carbon nanotube – catalyst adhesion strengths” Phys. Rev. B 75, 115419 (2007) selected by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science Technology, 15, 13 (2007) [4] Haiming Duan* , Feng Ding, Arne Rosén, Avetik R. Harutyunyan, Toshio Tokune, Stefano Curtarolo, Kim Bolton “Initial growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes on supported iron clusters: a molecular dynamics study”. Euro. Phys. J. D 43, 185 (2007) [3] Lin He & Duan Haiming* Local electronic structure and magnetic properties of (Ga,Cr)N Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 51 No. 13, 1546—1550 (2006) [2] H. M. Duan*, X. G. Gong, Q .Q. Zheng and H. Q. Lin, “Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Ni clusters”, J. Appl. Phys. 89, 7308 (2001). [1] H. M. Duan* and Q. Q. Zheng, “Symmetry and magnetic properties of transition metal clusters”, Phys. Lett. A280, 333 (2001). 主要获奖情况: [1] 2009年,新疆自治区优秀硕士学位论文指导教师 [2] 2011年,第十一届自治区自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖 [3] 2013年,第十二届自治区自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖 [4] 2014年,2013年度自治区科技进步奖三等奖 [5] 2016年,第十四届自治区自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖 [6] 2018年,2017年度自治区科技进步奖二等奖
沙依甫加玛力·达吾来提教授简介 沙依甫加马力.达吾来提,女,教授,1967年10月出生,中共党员,理学博士, 我校博士生导师,中南大学兼职博士生导师,第六,七届中国高能物理学会理事;新疆第5届物理学会理事;意大利国际理论物理中心协联成员。美国密歇根州立大学客座教授。主要研究方向为共形场论、非对易量子物理、强子物理、和量子色动力学整体分析及精确电弱物理。主持8项国家自然科学基金项目,在Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. C和D,JHEP, Phys.Lett.B, Eur. Phys. J. C和A,J. Phys. A.等国内外重要学术刊物上发表SCI论文50余篇。研究成果获得自治区科技进步奖,自治区优秀学术论文奖,自治区优秀硕士学位论文指导教师奖,自治区先进工作者,自治区四好老师等奖励。 承担主要科研项目: [1] 我校理论物理学术交流和人才培养平台建设项目, (11747303) 国家自然科学基金,2018.1-2018.12,60.0万,主持人 [2] 量子色动力学全局分析和对撞机唯象学方面的学术交流与 合作研究(11647305) 国家自然科学基金,2017.1-2017.12,40.0万,主持人 [3]部分子分布函数的不确定性及其对物理预言的影响(11465018),国家自然科学基金,2015.1-2018.12,60.0万,主持人 [4]通过J/Psi 辐射衰变研究重子激发态的辐射模式(11165014), 国家自然科学基金, 2012.1-2015.12,50.0万,主持人 [5]非对易空间和非对易相空间中的量子物理(10965006), 国家自然科学基金, 2012.1-2015.12,22.0万,主持人 [6]国际合作与交流项目,国家自然科学基金,2009.8-2009.12,1.3万,主持人 [7]国际合作与交流项目,国家自然科学基金,2007.1-2007.12,1.3万,主持人 [8]非对易理论及其物理效应的研究,国家自然科学基金,2007.1-2009.12,26万,主持人 [9]中心荷c=3,N=2的超对称二维共形不变量子场论的分类,国家自然科学基金,2005.1-2007.12,25万,主持人 发表主要学术论文(SCI论文50篇)(注:加*号为通讯作者) [1] Pazilet Obul, Sayipjamal Dulat*, Tie-Jun Hou, Ablikim Tursun, Nijat Yalkun, The next-to-leading order QCD and electroweak corrections to the Higgs-strahlung progresses, arXiv:1801.06851, accepted by Chinese Physics C. [2] Tie-Jiun Hou, Sayipjamal Dulat, Jun Gao, Marco Guzzi, Joey Huston, Pavel Nadol- sky , Carl Schmidt, Jan Winter, Keping Xie, C. -P. Yuan, CT14 Intrinsic Charm Parton Distribution Functions from CTEQ-TEA Global Analysis, JHEP 1802 (2018) 059. [3] Tie-Jun Hou, Sayipjamal Dulat*, J. Gao, M. Guzzi, J. Huston, P. Nadolsky, J. Pumplin,C. Schmidt, D. Stump and C. -P. Yuan, CTEQ-TEA parton distribution functions and HERA Run I and II combined data, Phys. Rev. D 95, no. 3, 034003 (2017). [4] Tie-Jun Hou, J. Gao, J. Huston, P. Nadolsky, C. Schmidt, D. Stump, B.-T. Wang, K.-P. Xie, Sayipjamal Dulat, J. Pumplin and C. -P. Yuan, Reconstruction of Monte Carlo replicas from Hessian parton distributions, JHEP 1703, 099 (2017). [5] Sayipjamal Dulat*, Tie-Jiun Hou, J. Gao, M. Guzzi, J. Huston, P. Nadolsky, J. Pumplin, C. Schmidt, D. Stump and C. -P. Yuan, New parton distribution functions from a global analysis of quantum chromodynamics, Phys. Rev. D 93, no. 3, 033006 (2016). [6] Jumakari Mamat, Sayipjamal Dulat*, Hekim Mamatabdulla, Landau-like Atomic Problem on a Non-commutative Phase Space Int.J.Theor.Phys. 55 (2016) no.6,2913-2918. [7] Sayipjamal Dulat, Tie-Jiun, J. Gao, J. Huston, P. Nadolsky, J. Pumplin, C. Schmidt and D.Stump et al., Higgs Boson Cross Section from CTEQ-TEA Global Analysis, Phys. Rev. D 89, no. 11, 113002 (2014). [8] Sayipjamal Dulat, Tie-Jiun, J. Gao, J. Huston, J. Pumplin, C. Schmidt, D. Stump and C.-P. Yuan, Intrinsic Charm Parton Distribution Functions from CTEQ-TEA Global Analysis, Phys. Rev. D 89, no. 7, 073004 (2014). [9] Halqem Nizamidin, Abduwali Anwar, Sayipjamal Dulat*, Kang Li, Quantum phases for an electric quadrupole moment in non-commutative quantum mechanics, Front.Phys.China.9 (2014) 4, 446-450. [10] Obulkasim Oluk, Bai-Song Xie, Muhmmad Ali Bake, Sayipjamal Dulat*, Electron- positron pair production in a strong asymmetric laser electric field, Front.Phys.China, 9 (2014) 157-163. [11] Halqem Nizamidin, Rehimhaji Yakup, Sayipjamal Dulat*, Mamatabdulla Hekim, The Wigner functions for Neutral particles in an External Electromagnetic filed in Non-commutative Quantum Mechanics, Int.J.Theor.Phys 2014, 014-2248-9. [12] Rehimhaji Yakup, Sayipjamal Dulat*, Kang Li, Mamatabdulla Hekim, The Harmon- ic Oscillator Influenced by Gravitational Wave in Noncommutative Quantum Phase Space, Int.J.Theor.Phys. 53 (2014) 1404-1414. [13] Sayipjamal Dulat,Tie-Jiun Hou, Jun Gao, Joey Huston, Jon Pumplin, Carl Schmidt,Daniel Stump, C.-P. Yuan, Higgs Boson Cross Section from CTEQ-TEA Global Analysis,Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 11, 113002. [14] Sayipjamal Dulat,Tie-Jiun Hou, Jun Gao, Joey Huston, Pavel Nadolsky, Jon Pumplin, Carl Schmidt,Daniel Stump, C.-P. Yuan, Intrinsic Charm Parton Distribution Functions from CTEQ-TEA Global Analysis, Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 7, 073004. [15] Abdukerim Nuriman,1 XIE Bai-Song, LI Zi-Liang, and Dulat Sayipjamal,Electron- Positron Pair Production in a Strong Laser Field Enhanced by an Assisted High Frequency Weak Field, Commun. Theor. Phys. 59 (2013) 331C334. [16] Abdukerim Nuriman, Bai-Song Xiea, Zi-Liang Li a, Dulat Sayipjamal, Enhanced electronCpositron pair creation by dynamically assisted combinational fields, Phys. Lett. B 717 (2012) 465C469. [17] Sayipjamal Dulat and Kai Ma, Aharonov-Casher and Scalar Aharonov-Bohm Topological Effects, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2012, 108, 070405. [18] Mohamedsedik Melike, XIE Bai-Song, Dulat Sayipjamal, Analytical Study of Pair Production Rate from Vacuum in an Elliptic Polarized Field by a Two-Level Transition Technique, Commun. Theor. Phys. 57(3) (2012) 422–426. [19] XIE Bai-Song, Mohamedsedik Melike, Dulat Sayipjamal, Electron-Positron Pair Production in an Elliptic Polarized Time Varying Field, Chin.Phys. Lett. 2012, 29(2), 021102. [20] Jianhua Wang, Kang Li, Sayipjamal Dulat, Yi Yuan, Kai Ma, π+π+and π+π−collision in Noncommutative Space, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 51 (2012) 2639-2647 [21] L,-Jun Hu, Sayipjamal Dulat, and Abduleziz Ablet, Neutrino masses and flavor mixing in the Extended Double Seesaw Model with two texture zeros, Eur. Phys. J.C 71: 1772, 2011. [22] Kai Ma and Sayipjamal Dulat*, Spin Hall effect on a noncommutative space, Phys. Rev. A 84, , 012104, 2011. [23] Sayipjamal Dulat*, Jia-Jun Wu, B.S. Zou, Proposal and theoretical formalism for studying baryon radiative decays from J/ψ →B∗¯B +¯ B∗B → γB¯B, Phys.Rev.D 83:094032,2011. [24] Maimaitiali Bake, Bai-Song Xie, Sayipjamal Dulat, Aimierding Aimidula, Electron acceleration in wakefield and supra-bubble regimes by ultraintense laser with asymmetric pulse, Commun.Theor.Phys.55:883-887,2011. [25] Sayipjamal Dulat, Kang Li and Jianhua Wang, Wigner Functions for the Landau Problem in noncommutative QM, Theor. Math. Phys., 167(2): 628C635 (2011), [26] Kang Li, Jianhua Wang, Sayipjamal Dulat and Kai Ma, Wigner functions for Klein-Gordon oscillators in noncommutative space, Int. J. Theor. Phys.(2010)49: 134-143. [27] Mutallip Tohti, Sayipjamal Dulat* and Kang Li, Noncommutative quantum Hall effect of bilayer systems, Commun. Theor. Phys.54 (2010)43C46 . [28] Mavlan Rahman, Sayipjamal Dulat*, Kang Li, Wigner Function for Klein-Gordon Landau Problem, Commun. Theor. Phys. 54 (2010)809C812; [29] LI Kang and Sayipjamal Dulat, Non-commutative phase space and its space-time symmetry, CPC(HEP NP), 2010, 34(7): 1-5. [30] B.S. Zou, J.J. Wu, Sayipjamal Dulat, Puze Gao, Hunting for a new Σ∗(1/2−) resonance around 1380-MeV, AIP Conf.Proc.1257:543-547,2010, [31] Jia-Jun Wu, Sayipjamal Dulat, B.S. Zou, Evidence for a new resonance Σ∗(1380) with JP= 1/2, Chin. Phys. C (HEP NP), 2010, 34(9):1508-1511. [32] Jia-Jun Wu, Sayipjamal Dulat, and B. S. Zou, Further evidence for the Σ⋆resonance with JP= 1/2−around 1380 MeV, Phys.Rev.C 81:045210,2010. [33] Jia-Jun Wu, Sayipjamal Dulat and B. S. Zou, Evidence for a new Σ∗resonance with JP= 1/2−in the old data of the K−p → Λπ+π− reaction, Phys.Rev D 80, 017503 (2009). [34] Aimierding Aimidula, Bai-Song Xie, Sayipjamal Dulat and Arkin Zakir, Positron acceleration in the wakefield of asymmetric laser pulses, Phys. Scr. 79, (2009)045503, 1-4. [35] Sayipjamal Dulat and Kang Li, Quantum Hall effect in noncommutative quantum mechanics, Eur.Phys. J. C (2009)60:163-168. [36] Jian-Hua WANG, Kang Li and Sayipjamal Dulat, Klein-Gordon oscillators in noncommutative phase space, Chin. Phys. C, Vol.32, No.10 (2008)803-806 . [37] Kang Li, Sayipjamal Dulat*, and Jian-Hua Wang, The He McKellar Wilkens effect for spin-1 particles on non-commutative space, Chinese Physics B, Vol.17, No.5 (2008)1-04. [38] Sayipjamal Dulat, Kang Li, The Aharonov-Casher effect for spin-1 particles in non-commutative quantum me- chanics, Eur.Phys.J.C Vol 54(2008)pp.333-337. [39] Sayipjamal Dulat, Kang Li and Jianhua Wang, The He-McKellar-Wilkens effect for spin one particles in non-commutative quantum mechanics, J.Phys.A: Math.Theor.41 (2008)065303. [40] Sayipjamal Dulat and Kang Li, Landau Problem in Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics, Chinese Physics C Vol. 32, No. 2, 92-95(2008). [41] Kang Li and Sayipjamal Dulat*, The Aharonov-Bohm effect in noncommutative quantum mechanics, Eur.Phys.J.C46:825-828,2006. [42] Sayipjamal Dulat and Kang Li, Commutator anomaly in noncommutative quantum mechanics, Mod.Phys.Lett.A21:2971-2976,2006. [43] Sayipjamal Dulat*, Bo-Chao Liu, Bing-Song Zou, Ji-Min Wu, Covariant tensor formalism for partial wave analyses of ψ decays into γB¯B, Chin. Phys. C (HEP NP) Vol. 30, No.4 (2006) 277-283 . [44] Sayipjamal Dulat* and Bing-Song Zou, Covariant tensor formalism for partial wave analyses of ψ decays into γB¯B, γγV and ψ(2S) → γχc0,1,2with χc0,1,2→ K¯Kπ+π−and 2π+2π−, Eur.Phys.J.A26:125-134,2005. [45] Sayipjamal Dulat* and Bing-Song Zou and Ji-Min Wu, Angular Distributions of ψ Radiative Decays, Chin. Phys. C (HEP NP). Vol.28, No. 4 (2004)350-358. [46] S. Dulat K. Hagiwara and Z.H. Lin, Scalar charmonium and glueball mixing in e+e−→ J/ψX, Phys.Lett.B594:118-126,2004. [47] Sayipjamal Dulat, The N = 2 Superconformal Z3Orbifold-prime Model with c=3, Mod. Phys. Lett. A Vol.18, No.7 (2003)503-513. [48] Sayipjamal Dulat, The Z2Orbifold-prime Model of N = 2 Superconformal Theories with c = 3, HEP. Nucl. Phys. 27(5) 386 -390( 2003). [49] Sayipjamal Dulat, The Orbifolds of N = 2 Superconformal Theories with c = 3, J.Phys.A: 33(2000) 5345-5359. [50] Sayipjamal Dulat and Katrin Wendland, Crystallographic Orbifolds: Towards a Classification of Unitary Conformal Field Theories with Central Charge c = 2, JHEP 0006:012, 2000. 主要获奖情况: [1] 2011年获得新疆维吾尔自治区第十一届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖 [2] 2013年获得陕西省科学技术奖,三等奖 [3] 2013年获得新疆维吾尔自治区第十二届自然科学优秀 学术论文一等奖 [4] 2013年获得自治区师德先进个人荣誉称号 [5] 2014年获得新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步奖,二等奖 [6] 2016年获得自治区先进工作者荣誉称号 [7] 2016年获得自治区具有新疆特色“四好老师”荣誉称号 [8] 2017年获得新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学奖,三等奖
吕国梁教授简介 吕国梁,1975年12月出生,理学博士,教授。博士生导师。新疆天文学会副理事长。2008年、2011年分别访问英国剑桥大学天文研究所和牛津大学天体物理系。主要研究方向为恒星演化和星族合成。主持4项国家自然科学基金项目、4项省部级自然科学基金项目,在Astrophysical Journal、Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society等国内外重要学术刊物上发表SCI收录论文30余篇。研究成果获自治区科技进步奖,自治区自然科学优秀学术论文奖等奖励。 承担主要科研项目: [1] 孤立毫秒脉冲星的起源(11473024),国家自然科学基金,2015.1-2018.12,90.0万,主持人 [2] 超巨星快速X-射线暂现源的研究(11163005),国家自然科学基金,2012.1-2015.12,55.0万,主持人 [3] 含尘埃壳层的AGB恒星的演化星族合成(10763331),国家自然科学基金,2008.1-2010.12,20.0万,主持人 [4] 共生星的理论研究(10647003),国家自然科学基金,2007.1-2009.12,8.0万,主持人 [5] 尘埃在共有包层中的形成与生长(2013721014),新疆维吾尔自治区青年科技创新人才项目,2013.7-2015.6,10.0万,主持人 [6] 共生X射线双星的研究(121107),教育部霍英东基金,2010.5-2013.4,7.8万,主持人 [7] 低质量X射线双星的研究(211198),教育部重点项目,2011.1-2013.12,5.0万,主持人 发表主要学术论文(第一作者或通讯作者SCI论文15篇)(注:加*号为通讯作者) [1] Sun, Weichao ,Zhu, Chunhua,Wang, Zhaojun,Lü Guoliang*, The gamma-ray sources in classical novae, Astrophysics and Space Science,2016.8.01,361(8) [2] Yisikandeer, Abudusaimaitijiang ,Zhu, Chunhua,Wang, Zhaojun,Lü Guoliang*, Velocity Distributions of Runaway Stars Produced by Supernovae in the Galaxy, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,2016,37(3) [3] Jin, Jie ,Zhu, Chunhua,Lü Guoliang* , Convection and convective overshooting in stars more massive than 10 M-circle dot, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan,2015,67(2) [4] Lü, Guoliang,Zhu, Chunhua,Podsiadlowski, Philipp, Dust formation in the ejecta of common envelope systems, Astrophysical Journal,2013,768(2):193~199 [5] He, Lin ,Lü Guoliang*,Zhao, Yong-Heng, Simulation of the emission lines radiated from cataclysmic variables, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics,2013,13(10):1213~1218 [6] An FangXia ,Zheng XianZhong ,Meng YanZhi,Chen Yang,Wen ZhangZheng, Lü Guoliang*, The nature of [S III]lambda lambda 9096, 9532 emitters at z=1.34 and 1.23, Science China Physics,Mechanics & Astonomy,2013,56(11):2226~2235 [7] Ablimit, Iminhaji ,Lü Guoliang*, The fast rotation of companions of compact objects in close binary systems, Science China Physics,Mechanics & Astonomy,2013.,56(3):663~669 [8] Lü Guoliang ,Zhu Chunhua,Postnov, K. A.,Yungelson, L. R.,Kuranov, A. G.,Wang Na, Population synthesis for symbiotic X-ray binaries, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,2012,424(3):2265~2275 [9] Lü Guoliang ,Zhu, Chunhua,Wang, Zhaojun,Huo, Wensheng,Yang, Yuangui, Gamma-ray sources like V407 Cygni in symbiotic stars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,2011,413(1):L11~L14 [10] Lü Guo-Liang,Zhu, Chun-Hua,Wang, Zhao-Jun, Population synthesis of high mass X-ray binaries, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics,2011,11(3):327~334 [11] Lü Guoliang ,Zhu, Chunhua,Wang, Zhaojun,Wang, Na, An alternative symbiotic channel to Type Ia supernovae, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,2009,396(2):1086~1095 [12] Lü Guoliang ,Zhu, Chunhua,Han, Zhanwen,Wang, Zhaojun, Chemical abundances in symbiotic stars, Astrophysical Journal,2008,683(2):990~1005 [13] Lü, Guo-Liang ,Zhu, Chun-Hua,Han, Zhan-Wen, Mira symbiotic stars, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,2007,7(1):101~110 [14] Lü, Guoliang ,Yungelson, L.,Han, Z. , Population synthesis for symbiotic stars with white dwarf accretors, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,2006,372(3):1389~1406 [15] Lü Guo-Liang ,Zhu, Chun-Hua,Wu, Bin,Han, Zhan-Wen , Population synthesis for the symbiotic stars with main-sequence accretors, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,2006,6(4):447~454 主要获奖情况: [1] 2016年,第十四届新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(排名2) [2] 2015年,2014年度新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步一等奖(排名1) [3] 2013年,第十二届新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(排名1) [4] 2012年,云南省自然科学一等奖(排名3) [5] 2011年,第十一届新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖(排名1)
李强教授简介 李强,汉族,1971年4月出生,博士,教授,博士生导师。1989年9月至1993年6月,在兰州大学物理系金属物理专业获理学学士学位;1993年9月至1996年6月在兰州大学物理系凝聚态物理专业获理学硕士学位;1997年1月赴香港中文大学物理系材料物理专业攻读博士学位,导师是H.W. Kui教授,于2002年6月获得博士学位。2005年9月进入best365网页版登录官网任教,主要研究方向包括大过冷态下的合金相变,块体非晶态合金和纳米合金的制备及其性能研究等。从到我校入职以来,共主持国家自然科学基金项目5项;在Scientific Report,Scripta Materialia,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Intermetallics和Journal of Applied Physics等知名学术期刊发表SCI论文50余篇; 2017年获自治区科技进步奖二等奖1项(排名第一);2016年入选新疆自治区优秀青年科技创新人才培养项目。 科研项目 [1]“过渡族金属基块体金属玻璃磁热效应的研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.51771161),2018.1 ~ 2021.12,60万,项目负责人 [2]“制备冷速对Fe基块体非晶态合金性能的影响”,国家自然科学基金地区项目(No. 51561028),2016.1 ~ 2019.12,45万,项目负责人 [3]“不添加玻璃化形成金属元素块体非晶态合金的制备及性能表征”,国家自然科学基金地区项目(No. 51261028),2013.1 ~ 2016.12,50万,项目负责人 [4]“通过亚稳液相分离机制制备块体磁性纳米合金”,国家自然科学基金地区项目(No. 51061017),2011.1~ 2013.12,27万,项目负责人 [5]“铁基磁性块体非晶态合金的制备及性能表征”,国家自然科学基金地区项目(No. 50861007),2009.1 ~ 2011.12,26万,项目负责人 [6]“用于磁制冷Fe基块体金属非晶态合金的制备及其性能研究”,自治区自然科学基金面上项目(No. 2016D01C052),2017.1~ 2019.12,7万,项目负责人 [7]自治区优秀青年科技人才项目,自治区科技人才培养项目(No. qn2015yx005),2016.7~ 2017.7,8万,项目负责人 [8]“块体Fe、Co、Ni基磁性非晶态合金的制备”,自治区科技支疆项目(No. 201191203),2011.6~ 2013.6,5万,项目负责人 [9]“通过亚稳液相分离机制制备块体磁性纳米合金”,自治区高校科研计划项目(No. 201191203),2011.01~2013.12,8万,项目负责人 代表论文(加*为通讯作者) [1] Luohong Shi, Qiang Li*, Haiming Duan*, Wenbiao Zhang, Weiming Yang, Hongxiang Li, Chuntao Chang. "The correlation between mechanical properties and structure of Fe-Ni-P-B amorphous alloys: Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations." Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 491(2018)1-6. [2] Liang Chang, Lei Xie, Min Liu, Qiang Li*, Yaqiang Dong*, Chuntao Chang*, Xinmin Wang, Akihisa Inoue. "Novel Fe-based nanocrystalline powder cores with excellent magnetic properties produced using gas-atomized powder." Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 452(2018)442-446. [3] Cong Liu, Qiang Li*, Juntao Huo*, Weiming Yang, Liang Chang, Chuntao Chang, Yanfei Sun. "Near room-temperature magnetocaloric effect of Co-based bulk metallic glass" Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 446(2018)162-165. [4] Lei Xie, Tao Liu, Aina He*, Qiang Li*, Zhikai Gao, Anding Wang*, Chuntao Chang, Xinmin Wang, C. T. Liu. "High Bs Fe-based nanocrystalline alloy with high impurity tolerance." Journal of Materials Science 53 (2018)1437-1446. [5] Shuo Xiang, Qiang Li*, Mingqing Zuo, Di Cao, Hongxiang Li, Yanfei Sun. “Influence of the preparation cooling rate on crystallization kinetics of Fe74Mo6P13C7 amorphous alloys”. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 475(2017)116-120; [6] Xu Ma, Qiang Li*, Liang Chang, Chuntao Chang*, Hongxiang Li, Yanfei Sun. "Enhancement on GFA and mechanical properties of Ni-based bulk metallic glasses through Fe addition". Intermetallics 90 (2017)58-62. [7] Mingqing Zuo, Shangyong Meng, Qiang Li*, Hongxiang Li*, Chuntao Chang, Yanfei Sun. "Effect of metalloid elements on magnetic properties of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses", Intermetallics 83(2017)83-86. [8] Jiawei Jiang, Qiang Li*, Haiming Duan* and Hongxiang Li. "The effects of metalloid elements (P, C, B) on the properties of Co-based amorphous alloys studied by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations". Computational Materials Science 130(2017)76-83. [9] Di Wu, Qiang Li* and Haiming Duan*. "Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation on the glass forming ability of Ni-metalloid amorphous alloys". Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 461(2017)87-92. [10] Luyang Bie, Qiang Li*, Di Cao, Hongxiang Li*, Jijun Zhang, Chuntao Chang and Yanfei Sun. “Preparation and properties of quaternary CoMoPB bulk metallic glasses”, Intermetallics 71(2016) 7-11. [11] Xu Ma, Ni Zhen, Junjiang Guo, Qiang Li*, Chuntao Chang and Yanfei Sun. “Preparation of Ni-based bulk metallic glasses with high corrosion resistance”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 443(2016)91-96. [12] Weiming Yang, Juntao Huo*, Haishun Liu*, Jiawei Li, Lijian Song, Qiang Li*, Lin Xue, Baolong Shen and A. Inoue. “Extraordinary magnetocaloric effect of Fe-based bulk glassy rods by combining fluxing treatment and J-quenching technique”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 684(2016)29-33. [13] Zeyan Zhou, Qin Wei, Qiang Li*, Binliang Jiang*, Yan Chen and Yanfei Sun. “Development of Co-based bulk metallic glasses as potential biomaterials”, Materials Science and Engineering: C 69(2016)46-51. [14] Junjiang Guo, Yaqiang Dong, Qikui Man, Qiang Li*, Chuntao Chang*, Xinmin Wang and Runwei Li. “Fabrication of FeSiBPNb amorphous powder cores with high DC-bias and excellent soft magnetic properties”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 401(2016)432-435. [15] Wenbiao Zhang, Qiang Li*, Haiming Duan*. “Study of the effects of metalloid elements (P, C, B) on Fe-based amorphous alloys by ab initio molecular dynamics simulations”, Journal of Applied Physics 117(2015)104901. [16] Haibo Ling, Qiang Li*, Jijun Zhang, Yaqiang Dong, Chuntao Chang, Hongxiang Li, Jaeheond Ki and Seonghoon Yi*. “Preparation of Quasi-Ternary Fe-P-C Bulk Metallic Glass Using Industrial Raw Materials with the Help of Fluxing Technique”, Advanced Engineering Materials 17(2015)1045-1050. [17] Shidan Li, Qin Wei, Qiang Li*, Bingliang Jiang*, You Chen and Yanfei Sun. “Development of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses as potential biomaterials”, Materials Science and Engineering C 52(2015)235-241. [18] Ni Zhen, Kui Wu, Qiang Li*, Shilie Pan*, Wenhui Gao and Zhihua Yang. “Synthesis, structures, and properties of two magnesium silicate fluorides Mg5(SiO4)2F2 and Mg3SiO4F2”, New Journal of Chemistry 39(2015)8866-8873. [19] Xiuhua Ma, Ling Zhang, Xiaohui Yang, Qiang Li* and Yudai Huang. “Effect of Ni addition on the corrosion resistance of FePC bulk glassy alloy”, Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology 50(2015)433-437. [20] Shangyong Meng, Haibo Ling, Qiang Li* and Jijun Zhang. “Development of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses with high saturation magnetization”, Scripta Materialia 81(2014)24-27. [21] Haibo Ling, Qiang Li*, Hongxiang Li*, Jijun Zhang, Yaqiang Dong, Chuntao Chang and Seonghoon Yi. “Preparation and characterization of quaternary magnetic Fe80-xCoxP14B6 bulk metallic glasses”, Journal of Applied Physics 115(2014)204901. [22] Qiang Li and Seonghoon Yi*. “Improvement of glass forming ability and soft magnetic properties of Fe-C-Si-P amorphous alloys through a flux treatment technique”, Metals and Materials International 20(2014)7-11. [23] Ling Zhang, Xiuhua Ma, Qiang Li*, Jijun Zhang, Yaqiang Dong and Chuntao Chang. “Preparation and properties of Fe80−xNixP14B6 bulk metallic glasses”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 608(2014)79-84. [24] Kai Xu, Haibo Ling, Qiang Li*, Jinfeng Li, Kefu Yao* and Shengfeng Guo. “Effects of Co substitution for Fe on the glass forming ability and properties of Fe80P13C7 bulk metallic glasses”, Intermetallics 51(2014)53-58. [25] Tuo Wang and Qiang Li*. "Solidified morphology and mechanism of bulk nanocrystalline Fe80P13C7 alloy at isothermal undercooling." Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 57(2014)1626-1630. [26] Tuo Wang, Xiaohui Yang and Qiang Li*. “Effect of Cu and Nb additions on crystallization kinetics of Fe80P13C7 bulk metallic glasses”, Thermochimica Acta 579(2014)9-14. [27] Xiuhua Ma, Xiaohui Yang, Qiang Li* and Shengfeng Guo*. “Quaternary magnetic FeNiPC bulk metallic glasses with large plasticity”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 577(2013)345-350. [28] Xiaohui Yang, Xiuha Ma, Qiang Li* and Shengfeng Guo*. “The effect of Mo on the glass forming ability, mechanical and magnetic properties of FePC ternary bulk metallic glasses”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 554(2013)446-449. [29] Kai Xu, Yan Wang, Jinfeng Li and Qiang Li*. “Critical Cooling Rate for the Glass Formation of Ferromagnetic Fe80P13C7 Alloy”, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.) 26(2013)56-62. [30] Qiang Li*, Jinfeng Li, Pan Gong, Kefu Yao, Jingen Gao and Hongxiang Li. "Formation of Bulk Magnetic Ternary Fe80P13C7 Glassy Alloy", Intermetallics 26(2012)62-65. [31] Yan Wang, Kai Xu and Qiang Li*. "Comparative study of non-isothermal crystallization kinetics between Fe80P13C7 bulk metallic glass and melt-spun glassy ribbon", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 54(2012)6-15. [32] Qiang Li. “Formation of bulk ferromagnetic nanostructured Fe40Ni40P16B4 alloys by metastable liquid spinodal decomposition”, Science in China E 52(2009)1919-1922. [33] Qiang Li. “Numerical calculation of the cooling rate in the J-quenching experiment”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 40(3)(2009)405-410. [34] Qiang Li. “Compaction of bulk amorphous Fe40Ni40P14B6 alloys”, Materials Science & Engineering A 471(2007)75-81. [35] Qiang Li. “Critical cooling rate for the glass formation of ferromagnetic Fe40Ni40P14B6 alloy”, Materials Letters 61(2007)3323-3328. [36] Qiang Li. “Formation of ferromagnetic bulk amorphous Fe40Ni40P14B6 alloys”, Materials Letters 60(2006)3113-3117. 授权专利 [1] 李强,凌海波,“一种利用工业级原料制备柱状铁基块体非晶态合金的石英试管吹铸方法”, 授权发明专利,专利号:ZL201410034269.1
吴荣教授简介 吴荣,女,1978.10月出生,汉族,中共党员,博士,教授,硕导。1997年7月至2001年9 月我校物理学院获得应用物理学学士学位;2001年9月至2004年7月 我校物理学院获得材料物理与化学硕士学位;2004年9月至2007年7 月复旦大学表面物理国家重点实验室获得凝聚态物理博士学位;2010年3月至2010年12月 中科院新疆理化所博士后; 2015年3月至2016年3 月 美国西雅图华盛顿大学机械学院 访问学者; 2016年7月至今深圳先进技术研究院客座教授。2007年7月至今在我校工作,研究方向为半导体低维纳米光电材料,对半导体材料生长、合成与表征有丰富研究经验。近年来,主持了包括2项国家自然科学基金,1项国家博士后启动基金,1项国家博士后特别资助等科研课题,1项新疆维吾尔自治区优秀博士后研究人员特别资助, 参与863项目一项, 2017年获得新疆维吾尔自治区优秀青年称号,研究成果获新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步奖三等奖2次。2016年入选新疆自治区优秀青年科技创新人才培养项目。 科研项目 [1]“二维材料纳米复合光催化剂MX2(X=SSe )的设计与机理研究”,自治区自然科学基金,面上项目, 2017.6-2020.6,7万,主持人 [2] “2017年度新疆优秀青年人才项目” 8万, 2017.7-2018.6主持人 [3] “2017年新疆维吾尔自治区自然基金”,5万,2017.1-2019.12主持人 [4]“相变-缺陷调控1T@2H二维MX2材料的结构设计和催化协同机制研究”,武汉理工国家重点实验室开放课题,2018.1-2019.12,5万,主持人 [5]“ⅡA族和ⅣA族元素掺杂及缺陷诱导AlN稀磁半导体的理论和实验研究”,国家自然科学基金 (11164026)2012.1-2015.12,58万,主持人 [6]“氮化铝薄膜制备及磁性元素掺杂改性研究”,国家自然科学基金(10864004),2009.1-2011.12,26.0万,主持人 [7] “LED外延生长用SiC衬底制备技术研究(2011AA03A102),863子项目”,2011.5-2013.12,45万,排名第二 [8]“染料敏化太阳能电池阳极改性技术研究”,中国博士后科学基金(20100471679),2010.6-2012.6,3万,主持人 [9]“ⅡA族和ⅣA族元素掺杂及缺陷诱导AlN稀磁半导体的研究”,中国博士后科学基金第四批特别资助人员(201104704)2011.7-2013.7,主持人 [10] “AlN基低维结构及性质的研究”,复旦大学国家重点实验室开放课题,2009.1-2010.12,6万,主持人 代表论文(加*为通讯作者) [1] Hongmei Fan, Rng Wu*, haiyang liu, Xi Yang, Yanfei Sun, "Synthesis of metal-phase-assisted 1T@2H-MoS2 nanosheet-coated black TiO2 spheres with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activities",Journal of Materials Science 1573-482X [2] Haiyang liu, Rng Wu*, Hongmei Fan , Xi Yang, Yanfei Sun,Synergetic photocatalytic effect between 1T@2H-MoS2 and plasmon resonance Ag quantum dots Nanotechnology, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aabf56 [3] Xi Yang, Rng Wu*, Hongmei Fan , Haiyang liu , Yanfei Sun Amorphous molybdenum selenide as highly efficient photocatalyst for the photodegradation of organic dyes under visible light Applied Surface Science 2018,457,214-220 [5] Hongqiang. Gao, WenjuanJ Wen, YizhangZ Li, Rong. Wu*,Enhanced Framework rigidity of a Zeolitic Metel-azolate vialigand substitution. Crystals, 2017, 7, 99. [6] Hongqiang. Gao, WenjuanJ Wen, YizhangZ Li, Rong. Wu*, Uniaxial Negative Thermal Expansion and Mechanical Properties of a Zinc-Formate Framework. Materials, 2017, 10, 151. [7]Shunhang Wei, Rong. Wu*,J. Jian et al. One-step synthetic approach for core-shelled black anatase titania with high visible light photocatalytic performance.Chem. Eng. J,299 :120–125(2016) [8]HaixiaX. Wang, Rong. Wu*S Shunhang Yanfei Sun. One-pot solvothermal synthesis of ZnTe/RGO nanocomposites and enhanced visible-light photocatalysis. Chinese Chem Lett 27:1572–1576 (2016) [9]Shunhang Wei,, Rong. Wu**,Jikang. Jian Yanfei Sun. Black and yellow anatase titania formed by (H, N)-doping: strong visible-light absorption and enhanced visible-light photocatalysis. Dalton Transactions,44(4): 1534-1538 (2015) [10] Shunhang Wei, Rong. Wu**, Jikang. Jian Yanfei Sun. Graphene oxide/core–shell structured TiO2@TiO2−x nanocomposites with highly efficient visible-light photocatalytic performance. RSC Advances, 5(50): 40348-40351(2015) [11] Shunhang Wei i, Rong. Wu**, Jikang. Jian Yanfei Sun. C/Si/core–shell structured TiO2@TiO2−x nanocomposites with excellent visible-light photocatalytic performance.RSC Advances, 5(70): 57240-57244 (2015) [12] HuihuiH. Ren, Jikang. Jian, Chu.Chen, Dong,Pan,A.Ablat, Jin. Li, Yanfei Sun, Rong. Wu*, Ga-vacancy-induced room-temperature ferromagnetic and adjusted-band-gap behaviors in GaN nanoparticles. Appl. Phys.A. 116:185–191.(2014) [13] Zhengli. Cai, Gang. Wang, Bo. Song, Rong. Wu, J. Li and Jikang. Jian *, Surface-migration driving uniform amorphous shell on crystalline nanowire: the case of SiC/SiOx core–shell nanowires.CrystEngComm.15:5082 (2013). [14] Rong. Wu*,, Nannan Jiang, Jin. Li, Jikang. Jian, Aiming. Chang*, Controlled Synthesis of ZnSe Nanomaterials via Solvothermal Method. J. Inorg. Mate. 28: 579-583 (2013). [15] Dong. Pan, Jikang. Jian. Rong. Wu *, Yanfei Sun Structure and magnetic characteristics of Si-doped AlN films.J. Alloys. Compd. 519: 41-46 (2012). [16] Dong. Pan, Jikang. Jian, Nabnan. Jiang Jin. Li, Yanfei Sun, Rong. Wu *, Room-temperature ferromagnetism in Ni-doped AlN film. J .Appl. Phys.112: 053911(2012). [17] Rong. Wu Shengli. Zhang, Jinhui. Lin, Zuimin Jiang, Xinju Yang*, Bias-dependent conductive characteristics of individual GeSi quantum dots studied by conductive atomic force microscopy. Nanotechnology.22: 095708 (2011). [18] Pengjun. Zhao, Rong. Wu, Jun. Hou,Bo. Zhang,A. M. Chang*,One-step Self Assemble of Cu-TiO2 Heterogeneous Nanoparticles Using a Soft Template. J. inorg. matel. 27: 1-5 (2012). [19] Pengjun. Zhao, Rong. Wu, Jun. Hou,Bo. Zhang,A. M. Chang*, One-Step Hydrothermal Synthesis and Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity of Ultrafine Cu-Nanodot-Modified TiO2 Nanotubes. Acta. Phys. Chim .Sin. 28: 1971-1977 (2012). [20]Juan. Hou, Rong. Wu, Aimin. Chang* PengjunZhao,,Bo. Zhang, Preparation and electrochemical properties of graphene-modfied TiO2 (anatase) nanotubes composite for lithium-ion batteries.Integ Ferroelectr.144: 66-72 (2013). [21] Haibin. Li, Rong. Wu, Jin. Li, Yanfei Sun, , Jikang. Jian *, Growth of AlN nanobelts, nanorings and branched nanostructures. J. Alloys Compd. 509: 2111-2115 (2011). [22]Linyu Yang, Rong. Wu, Jin. Li, Yanfei Sun, Jikang. Jian *, CdTe nanosheets and pine-like hyperbranched nanostructures prepared by a modified film technique: Catalyst-assisted vacuum thermal evaporation. Mater. Lett.65: 17-20 (2011). [23] Nanan. Jiang, Rong. Wu, Jin. Li, Yanfei Sun, Jikang. Jian *, Ethanol amine-assisted solvothermal growth of wurtzite-structured ZnS thin nanorods. J. Alloys Compd.536: 85–90 (2012). [24] Linlin Xie, Rong. Wu, Jin. Li, Yanfei Sun, Jikang. Jian *, Effects of pH Value on Hydrothermal Synthesis of Pyrite CoS2 Micro-Crystals. Chinese J. Inog. Chemi.27:95-99 (2011). [25]Jiajie Li, Bo. Song, Rong. Wu, Jin. Li, Jikang. Jian *, Yanfei Sun Preparation and optical properties of free-standing transparent aluminum Nitride film assembled by aligned nanrods. J. Am. Ceram. Soc.95:870-873 (2012). [26]Aili Zhang, Zhihu Zhang, , Rong. Wu, Jin. Li, Yanfei Sun, Jikang. Jian *, Synthesis and characterization of GaN/ZnS core–shell nanowires.Mater. Lett.87: 73–76 (2012). 授权专利 [1] 一种制备二硫化钼纳米片的方法,简基康;李燕;吴荣 CN201410086208.X [2]一种常压制备二硫化钼纳米片的方法 简基康; 王丰超;吴荣. . CN103818961A [3]一种石墨烯/二硫化钼复合材料的制备方法,简基康;王丰超;吴荣CN201410106133.7 [4] 一种生长CdO纳米线的方法,吴荣、简基康、杨林钰、刘莉丽、孙言飞、郑毓峰专利号:ZL 200910113485.4 [5] 一种掺杂S的ZnTe的制备方法, 吴荣 、张勇、简基康、孙言飞. 专利号:ZL201410202392.X [6] 一种催化剂辅助真空热蒸发生长CdTe纳米棒的方法,简基康,杨玲钰,吴荣,孙言飞,郑毓峰, , 专利号:ZL 2008100728672 [7] 一种催化剂辅助真空热蒸发生长CdS纳米棒的方法,简基康,邹华,吴荣,孙言飞,郑毓峰,专利号:ZL200810072976.4
阿布都热苏力教授简介 阿不都热苏力,男,1961年10月出生,维吾尔族,中共党员,博士,副教授,硕导。1979年9月至1984年6月,在我校物理系物理专业获理学学士学位; 2005年3月赴日本国东京农工大学工学部光电子情报专业攻读博士学位,导师是冈田教授,于2008年3月获得博士学位。自1984年9月至今best365网页版登录官网任教,主要研究方向包括1.光子晶体的应用研究2.光热偏转光谱法的研究3. 超短超强激光脉冲与等离子体相互作用的研究4.石墨烯碳纳米管的电子性质研究5. 基于飞秒激光光频率梳偏移的干涉法实验研究。从到我校入职以来,共主持国家自然科学基金项目4项;在国内外知名学术期刊发表论文100余篇。 科研项目 [1] “基于飞秒激光光频率梳偏移的干涉法实验研究”,国家自然科学基金地区项目(No.11664040) 2015.1-2020-12, 42万元,项目负责人 [2] “各向异性等离子体中电子热传导和电磁不稳定性的数值研究” .国家自然科学基金地 区项目 ,(No.11465019),2015.1-2019-12, 50万元,项目负责人 [3] “光热偏转光谱法的研究” (No.11164030),2011.1-2015.12),国家自然科学基金 地区项目,40万元,项目负责人 [4]“超强激光脉冲与等离子体相互作用中自生磁场的研究” ,(No.10965008),2009.1-2012.12,国家自然科学基金地区项目,20万元,项目负责人 [5] “超强激光与等离子体相互作用中的Weibel不稳定性” ,2010.4-2012.10,博士启动基 金, 3万元,项目负责人 [6]”光子晶体的制备与应用研究”,2004.10-2006.10),自治区科技厅项目 ,2万元, 项目负责人 代表性论文(加*为通讯作者) [50] 阿依坎拜尔,阿不都热苏力*.电磁不稳定性和自生磁场饱和机制的数值模拟研究 [J]. 激光杂志,2018,39(2) 20-23 [49] 阿依坎拜尔,阿不都热苏力*. 激光等离子体中自生磁场和热流的数值模拟 [J].激光杂志,2018,39(1)25-27 [48] 阿依坎拜尔 , 阿不都热苏力*. 一种“F型迷宫”串联型超材料的非对称性传输[J].激光杂志, 2018,39(4) 6-8 [47] 艾尼江.阿塔伍拉 ,帕力哈提.米吉提, 阿不都热苏力*.基于迈克尔孙干涉仪的高斯光束测量误差分析[J],激光杂志,2018,39(5) ,22-25 [46] 阿卜杜外力江 , 阿不都热苏力*. 二维光子晶体与声子晶体带隙的比较研究[J].激光杂志, 2018,39(6) 18-20 [45] A.Abudurexiti. Energetic Ions Generation in the Interaction Ultra-Intense Laser Pulse with the Elliptic Concave Plasma Target[J] ,2018,9,Proc. of SPIE [44] 艾尼江.阿塔伍拉,帕力哈提.米吉提,阿布都热苏力*.反射镜对飞秒激光光频梳偏移测量的影响[J]激光杂志, 2018,39(10) [43] 阿卜杜外力江 , 阿不都热苏力*.基于光子与声子晶体的质量分数检测研究[J]光学技术, 2018,44(253): 35-38 [42] 阿不都热苏力*.采用光子晶体禁带法检测溶液浓度的新方法研究[J]. 应用物理,2017,7(9): 277-282 [41] 阿卜杜外力江,阿不都热苏力*,光子晶体空气孔中质量分数对其禁带宽度影响的仿真分析[J].光学与光电技术, 2017,15(6):60-64 [40] 艾尼江•阿塔伍拉 1 阿布都热苏力*.飞秒锁模激光频率梳在精密测量的应用[J],我校学报自然科学版,2017,38(2):45-48 [39] K.Ayikanbaier, A.Abudurexiti * . Numerical Studies of the magnetic field and Thermal Flux Reduction in Anisotropic Plasma [J]. 2016,9,Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10152, 1015203-1-10. [38] 阿布力克木,阿不都热苏力*.激光等离子体中电子热流变化的数值模拟 [J]. 光学与光电技术, 14(03), pp 78-81, 2016/06/10 [37] 阿布力克木,阿不都热苏力*. 激光等离子体作用中质子加速的数值 模拟 [J].激光杂志, 37(5), pp 18-21, 2016/05/15 [36] 阿卜杜外力,阿卜杜克力木,阿不都热苏力*. 基于二维光子晶体透射谱的溶液浓度检测方法的研究 [J]. 激光杂志, 37(1), pp 33-36, 2016/1/15 [35] 阿不都热苏力*. 利用金刚石结构三维光子晶体带隙宽度测量乙醇水溶液的浓度 [J]. 《激光杂志》,37(2), pp 86-89, 2016/2/15 [34] 阿不都热苏力*. 利用一维光热偏转光谱法研究固体材料的热性能 [J]. 《激光杂志》,37(3), pp 5-8, 2016/3/15 [33] 阿不都热苏力.非物理专业综合性物理实验教学的研究[J].教育教学论坛, 45(11):234-235, 2015/11/20 [32] 阿不都热苏力*、帕力哈提. 米吉提、地力夏提.基于晶体禁带特性的溶液浓度测量方 法的研究[J].激光杂志, 2015,36(09): 22-25 [31] 阿不都热苏力*、帕力哈提.强激光等离子体中电子热传导的数值模拟[J].激光杂志, 2015,36(08): 8-10 [30] 阿不都热苏力.高能质子束在激光等离子体中传输的粒子模拟[J].激光与光电子学进展, 2015,52(07):071405 [29] 阿卜杜外力.阿卜杜克力木、阿布都热苏力、阿布力克木.基于蜂窝型光子晶体的禁带特 性研究浓度检测的方法[J].激光杂志, 2015, 36(04):34-37 [28] 阿不力克木、阿不都热苏力.激光等离子体中的自生磁场和质子加速[J]. 激光与光电子 学进展, 2015,52(02):021401 [27] 阿不都热苏力、帕孜来提、阿布都外力.光子晶体理论应用于二元溶液浓度测量的研究 [J].激光与光电子学进展,2015, 52(01): 011203 [26] 阿不都热苏力、帕力哈提、地力夏提.基于光子禁带测量的二元溶液浓度检测方法的 研究[J],激光与光电子学进展, 2015,52(06):061603 [25] 阿不都热苏力.阿不都热西提.光子晶体带隙宽度测量法在溶液浓度检测中的应用[J]. 激光杂志, 2015,36(11):79-82 [24] 阿不都热苏力,地里夏提。飞秒激光等离子体中电子热传导现象的数值模拟;激光与 粒子束2014,26(9) :092007-1-5 [23] 阿不都热苏力,托合提江,碳纳米管的电子能带结构和态密度研究;激光杂志, 2014,35(9):25-27 [22] 阿不都热苏力,艾尔肯•扎克尔,帕力哈提.超强激光与等离子体平面靶相互作用中的自生磁场.激光与光电子学进展2014.8 51, 083201-6 [21] 阿不都热苏力,艾合买提,阿布杜外力;超强激光与等离子体相互作用中的自生磁场 及三维模拟;激光杂志2014,35(5) :11-13 [20] 托合提江,阿不都热苏力*;单壁碳纳米管能带及其电子特性研究;光学与光电子技术 2014,12(3) :97-103 [19] 阿布杜外力,阿不都热苏力*,帕孜光子晶体应用于在浓度检测上的模拟研究. 激光杂志 2014,35(4) :9-10 [18] 帕孜来提,阿不都热苏力*,基于光子晶体的物质的量浓度测量研究激光杂志 2014,35(2) :28-29 [17] 艾合麦提.沙地,阿不都热苏力*.棱镜型光热偏转光谱法的研究激光杂志 2014,35(5) :16-19 [16] 阿不都热苏力•阿不都热西提*,帕孜来提,帕平面波展开法在质量分数测量上的应用研 究,激光技术2014,38(1) :65-69 [15] 阿不都热苏力•阿不都热西提二维光子晶体在液体浓度测量方面的应用研究,应用物理 2014, 4, 163-168 [14] 阿不都热苏力•阿不都热西提*.光子晶体带隙法在溶液浓度测量中的应用,激光杂志 2014,35(11) :51-53 [13] 帕孜来提,阿不都热苏力*.禁带理论应用于溶液浓度检测的研究,光学与光 电子技术,2014,12(6) : 1-4 [12] 阿不都热苏力*.多缝菲涅耳衍射的数值模拟,喀什师范学院学报,2014,35(6) : 1-4 [11] 阿不都热苏力* .多矩孔菲涅耳衍射的数值模拟,激光杂志,2014,35(12) :51-53 [10] 阿不都热苏力 帕孜来提.飞秒激光与等离子体相互作用中自生磁场的热电机制[J], 强激光与粒子束,2013, 25(7):1709-1714 [9] 阿不都热苏力, 艾尔肯.扎,帕尔哈提激光功率密度对自生磁场和电子热传导的影响[J], 激光技术,2013,37(1): 134-138 [8]. A. Abudurexiti, T. Okada and S. Ishikawa .A mechanism for self-generated magnetic fields in the interaction of ultra-intense laser pulses with thin plasma targets.ournal of Plasma Physics , 2009,75(1), 91-98 [7] A. Abudurexiti, Y. Mikado and T. Okada, Electron and Ion Acceleration by Ultraintense Laser Pulses in Inhomogeneous Plasma Targets J. Korean Phys. Soc. 49, (2006 ): 378-380 [6] A. Abudurexiti, Y. Mikado and T. Okada, Energetic proton acceleration by ultraintense laser pulses in inhomogeneous plasma targets. J. Mod. Phys. B 21, (2007):642-646 [5] H. Chun-Feng and A. Abudurexiti, Energy levels and states of parabolic cylindrical lens shaped quantum dots, Chinese Physics 14, 1932 (2005): 1932-1934 [4] Hou Chunfeng, Du Chunguang, Abdurusul, Li Shiqun, .Manakov soliton pairs in biased photovoltaic photorefractive crystals. Chin. Phys. 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毛培宏研究员简介 毛培宏,男,1960年6月出生,汉族,研究员,硕导,中国辐射防护学会放射生态分会理事。1983年7月毕业于华中农业大学微生物学专业,主要从事低能离子束生命科学、微生物学、生物化学与分子生物学、生物信息学、放射生态学等领域的科研和教学工作。主持完成了国家和省部级科研项目10项,参加完成了国家和省部级科研项目11项。现主持国家自然科学基金常规面上项目和地区基金项目各1项。获新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步二等奖3项、三等奖2项。发表论文120篇(其中SCI 收录26篇,EI收录1篇);参与著书2部。获国家知识产权局授权专利7项。 近年主持的科研项目 [1]重组酵母菌生物合成醌类物质的代谢通路研究(31760016),国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,2018.01-2021.12,40万,主持人。 [2] 低能离子注入介导的酵母菌对外源植物基因内含子的剪接机制(11575149),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.01-2019.12,70万,主持人。 [3] 低能氮离子注入介导沙漠寡营养细菌全基因组突变及定向进化的分子机制(11275164),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2013.01-2016.12,80万,主持人。 近年发表的研究论文 [1] 唐朝,张寒玉, 王婷, 冯光文, 钱卫东, 蔡长龙, 毛培宏.基于转录组测序的异常汉逊酵母菌不同发酵时期差异表达基因功能分析[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2018, (已接受) [2] 张寒玉, 唐朝, 王婷, 冯光文, 钱卫东, 毛培宏, 蔡长龙. 离子束重组酵母菌Han0458基因组重复序列的分布特征[J]. 微生物前沿, 2018, 7(3): 115-123. [3] ZhangJ,GuoC, ChenWF, ShangYM, LajudieP, YangX, MaoPH, ZhengJQ, WangET. Dynamic succession of chickpea rhizobia over years and sampling sites in Xinjiang, China [J]. PlantSoil, 2018, 425(1-2): 241–251. [4] 张寒玉,王婷, 唐朝, 冯光文, 钱卫东, 蔡长龙,毛培宏. 低能离子注入介导的异常汉逊酵母菌基因组重复序列的突变研究[J]. 我校学报(自然科学版), 2018, 35(4): 479-486. [5] 陈丹丹, 毛培宏, 蔡长龙. 基于RAST 的离子束重组菌DOB981的代谢网络研究[J]. 基因组学与应用生物学, 2017, 36(10): 4217-4222. [6] 范伟伟, 毛培宏, 蔡长龙. 离子束重组菌DOB073的比较基因组学研究[J]. 基因组学与应用生物学, 2017, 36(9): 3775-3782. [7] 李黎, 毛培宏. 低能N+注入介导的沙漠寡营养细菌基因组SNP 研究[J]. 基因组学与应用生物学, 2016, 35(12): 3425-3429. [8] WangT, QianWD, FuYF, CaiCL, MaoPH. Engineering of gentiopicroside-producing yeast strain using low-energy ion implantation mediated synthetic biology [J]. BiotechBiotech Equip, 2016, 30(4): 805-812. [9] Mao PH, Lü J, Cai CL. Proteomic changes of recombinant yeast: Pharmaco-industrial potential [J]. J BiolRegHomeos Ag, 2015, 29(3): 569-578 [10]毛培宏, 吕杰. 离子束重组酵母菌Ar_Han0458的RAPD 与SSH的初步研究[J]. 基因组学与应用生物学, 2015, 34(3): 449-453. 近年获得的授权专利 [1] 毛培宏,吕杰,王军,钱卫东.一株沙漠寡营养细菌DOB150及在固沙中的应用[P]. 中国, ZL 201610203913.2 [2] 毛培宏,吕杰,张伶,钱卫东.一株沙漠寡营养细菌DOB153及在固沙中的应用[P].中国, ZL201610203940.X [3] 毛培宏,王军,刘南君.一种低能等离子注入的无线智能控制装置 [P]. 中国, ZL201520879559.6 [4] 毛培宏,张伶,刘南君.一种适用低能等离子注入机无线智能控制的系统装置[P]. 中国, ZL201520879611.8